What Protects You Protects Them Too

Art Direction, Animation, Social Media, Print


The Brief
Personal accident plans are pretty great. But they are also pretty boring. Nobody really pays attention to it, which is why not many know that it doesn’t actually protect those who need it most. Say you work as a construction worker, firefighter, serve the army or any other job with higher risk, you’d actually have to pay MORE to protect yourself. Sounds unfair, right? AIA wanted to change things, which brings us to Solitaire PA 100, the most competitive, low-cost personal accident plan on the market with no occupational class differentiation. 

But how do we get people to not only know about this new plan, but also to act on it?

The Approach
We gave them a heads-up, by featuring their helmets. We featured different protective gear related to accident-prone work or play activities. Which we then visually expanded to play on how when the unexpected happens, it is often the family that has to bear the burden. Which is why they can extend their protection over their family, by financially securing them in the event of the unexpected.

Marketing Excellence Awards 2019
Excellence in Consumer Insights / Market Research – Silver


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